Apple unveiled a 3-Button Mouse just in time for it's 3-Button version of Final Cut 5 (psst... Final Cut has ALWAYS been 3-button compliant by the way). Anyway, this new "Mighty Mouse" clocks in at $50.00 US and has a nipple standing in for the wheel found on most human mice. As a G-5 user and editor by profession, I can recommend with confidence that everyone just save $30.00 and buy any of the 3-button wheeled mice available at your local electronics store.
I understand that it was inevitable and perhaps necessary for Apple to release a 3 button mouse but why did they feel the need to 'innovate' ? The reason that all other 3-button mice look and function in a similar way is that human ergonomics demand a pretty well defined set of features. We can debate joysticks, trackballs and pointers all day long but a mouse is going to look and feel a certain way as long as you are serious about using the damn thing for sixteen hours at a stretch.
But then there is Apple. Apple HAS to be different. For Steve Jobs to push a product, it HAS to be different. It doesn't have to actually function...but it has to be different. This is the man who wanted to completely replace the logical file structure of OS X with a dedicated search feature. Why open the folder where you KNOW your files are stored when you can just type in several keywords to search your files EVERY TIME YOU NEED THEM.
I find it odd that the man who arguably invented the Mac seems to have never actually used one. Well used one for actual WORK at any rate.