Not that I want to let up the pressure on Pepsi or anything but I have a good cause for you.
Like the internet? Want to see it around in five least as we know it and love it today..?
Then read this. Read this as well but don't believe a word of it. It seems that big business wants to charge duties in addition to existing online fees to on line vendors like (just by way of example) Amazon or Walmart or Apple iTunes. What's the big deal? Anyone who doesn't pay these ad hock fees may not show up in your google searches. In fact, you may not be able to get to them at all. Eventually, new legislation could allow service providers the ability to control who you visit online and which vendors can sell to you. Sound like a nightmare scenario? It is. Read on...
At the very least call Bell South (404-249-2000) and tell them what Bastards you think that they are. Well, tell them that they are, in fact, Bastards AND that you are aware of this fact.
I did.
I got a call from a legal representative who wanted to state their case in Net Neutrality.
I told him that I'd love to talk but 8:15am was way to damn early to discuss the subject with any clarity. I'll talk to him next week. He said he'd call back. I'll keep you posted.
Oh, and write your congressman or representative or whatever.