Wednesday, October 04, 2006

I am humbled...

You guys are great...I mean really. Thanks for the support on the RRS front. As I receive your emails and instructions I begin to realize exactly how little grasp of this simple matter I really have. I'll likely wind up just asking someone to do this for me. It could be YOU so be ready. I'm just so confused at this point that it makes me feel my age...

OK, late Vexxarr but what else is new? He's coming AND there will be both a Wednesday and a Friday Vexxarr as always (you should no my no wimp out policy by now). When you peruse my archives (as I know some of you have been - I've been watching you) please note that there are three blue numbers in every damn week of every damn month since I launched this sucker.

So it shall remain.

So thanks! You guys are really teh bomb. I'll have an RSS up shortly and then I'll whine at you about searchable archives! And about that foreign shipping issue in my Print Shoppe...I'm just going to let these babies go at a single rate. I'll update the page.


After I give you today's Vexxarr.

With the bloody stumps of my fingers...