You may or may not be aware that Penny Arcade has a 3D game hitting the shelves in a few time cycles. You may or may not be aware that PC Gamer magazine is commemorating this event with a series of five special covers on this month's edition.
If your read PvP you are aware that in this same special edition of PCG Magazine, their cover guru, Greg Vederman, disses Penny Arcade with an unwarranted OP ED. Basically in an issue sporting a five-cover Penny Arcade extravaganza, Vederman says 'Meh" to PA.
Hey, he's welcome to do this. Many of you likely agree with Mr. Vederman. What stinks is he does it inside the Penny Arcade Extravaganza issue of PCG Magazine itself!
What gives? Is this not the ultimate in too-cool-for-school poserism? If he felt this way, should he not have published his OP ED piece in the issue following the PA grope-a-thon?
I get that Vederman feels that PA is all hype and no substance. He has some valid points. But what is PCG saying by dissing their cover Gods for that very issue? Here is an idea: PC Gamer Magazine is exactly that sort of exploitation of the gamer phenomenon that Greg Vederman accuses Penny Arcade of being.
I know that by saying this, I have shocked exactly two people on this planet - one of whom being Greg Vederman's mother. But to vent my spleen, I put my thoughts down on actual paper and mailed them to PC Gamer. I believe this is best described as 'quaint'.