Pat Robertson is the the head cleric of the American Taliban, I swear. First he claims that secularism and homosexuality brought down the twin towers in the September Eleventh terrorist attack, then he thinks enough of himself to dictate US foreign policy with regard to Venezuela. Now he is warning the residents of the good state Pennsylvania that they were no longer in the protective light of God for voting out their corrupt school board.
We need to be careful of these fundamentalist religious progressives euphemistically referred to as 'Christian Conservatives'. They are not technically true political conservatives because actual Conservatives stand for a limited government which keeps out of the private affairs of its citizens. Remember that - that's a key point. Robertson and his cohorts on the other hand want to build an intrusive religious oligarchy where their religious doctrine control matters of law and liberty. Worse still, Robertson feels good enough about his in with God to place himself at the top of the fundimentalist dog-plie.
Still, is Taliban too strong a term for Robertson and his fundimentalist lackies? Consider: he's already calling for religious assassination of his enemies. How long before he starts promising the favor of God in return for overt works in service to Robertson's own political goals?
Be afraid. Be very afraid.