I know I've made a lot of noise about T-shirtery around these posts. The truth is that given my current readership (and I'm sure that every one of you would buy Vexxarr wearables) T-shirt printing requires a respectable capital outlay. This takes into account many factors including but not limited to: using actual silk screen printers, three color design, high quality black shirts, various sizes... The list goes on.
So I leave this in your hands. If any one of you can get me a shirt printer who works in quantities of under, say, 200 and is affordable at that rate, please let me know. I'll drop the cash and get these things to you faster than you can make me the new beneficiary to your collective insurance policies.
Books, however... Well, books are another matter altogether. Thanks to a little service known as Lulu.com I will be able to get printed versions of the Vexter not long after I hit strip number 200 (today's was number 140 for those of you keeping score at home).
Lulu scores over other online printing entities on several levels: they are affordable, they accept .doc .pdf and other text formats, they are NOT cafepress.com, they don't want to "help me market and distribute" my works. Seems to good to be true. But they seem to offer a quality product at a price you can afford and with which I can actually supplement this site.
So the status is currently: T-shirts pending. Books imminent.
Let me know what you think.