The simple reason is that these Foss pastiche strips take a lot of time. I'm sure that you e-artists out there could run circles around me but I'm spending upwards from two hours per panel on these Chris Foss send-ups.
The complex reason is that I have also been finishing three projects which JUST WOULDN'T DIE. One was for a client who attended a conference who's media needs were being provided by an organization who shall remain nameless.
Now to say that this nameless company is inept would be a grave insult to inept persons the world over. Suffice to say that any media organization that cannot play back a Quicktime movie, nominally encoded, either within a Power Point presentation or as a stand-alone clip, needs to leave the industry. They just aren't doing the world any favors by taking its money. Add to this a general malaise over avi encoding, DivX codecs and a general unwillingness to use a telephone and we have a real danger to the US economy here.
I further had to finish a three-hour-long seminar on DVD and a smaller project for a real estate client and I just wound up slipping further and further behind.
Fear not, I'm caught up and I have the next several strips in various states of completion for your future reading pleasure.
I would also like to add that I have enjoyed the spontaneous fan mail I have received recently. I love the occasional reminder that my efforts are meeting with your educated approval and that, of course, you are in fact out there.