Truth is, Sony has been on my bad side for a long time. First, their premier HD field monitor was a turd. I apologize for that blunt description but when you have a smelly useless bundle of waste material, I call it what it is.
Again, let me clarify: the Sony BVM D9H5U is the worlds greatest paperweight. It has poor clarity, the SDI input card costs just about what the whole monitor sells for and its battery interface is like some kind of sick joke. This was Sony saying 'we don't actually know what an HD field monitor looks like but someone once described one to us in a bar...while intoxicated...both of us intoxicated...and one of us was speaking Flemish.'
Ad this to the fact that their entre' to the HDV market was intentionally crippled so as 'not to undermine their professional HD market'. And you have a company which, after YEARS of respect, I have just started to feel 'icky' about.
So when I threaten to stop dealing with Sony on a professional level, I may be stretching a point. For the moment, Sony is losing the consumer, prosumer and professional HD war. I fully expect them to rally within the next 5-10 years and regain their leader status but for now, they aspire to underwhelm.
Remember SONY: Soon Only Not Yet